Tag Archives: Missouri

Internet Wars: St. Louis vs. Kansas City

Kansas City appears set to easily beat St. Louis in one important category – fastest Internet speeds. The city was selected by Google as a site for an experimental broadband network infrastructure using fiber optic communication, with a launch date set for sometime in 2012.

According to Google:

We plan to build an ultra high-speed broadband network in Kansas City on both sides of the river. Our network will deliver Internet speeds of up to 1 gigabit (or 1,000 megabits) per second. That’s more than 100 times faster than what most Americans have access to today

So Kansas City will soon be flying around the Internet at the same speeds currently seen in Asia and Europe, while most of the rest of the U.S. (including St. Louis) trods along.

From the BBC:

The average broadband internet speed across the US is 12.84 Mbps, according to Netindex.com. That makes the US 31st in the world (the UK is 32nd with 12.4 Mbps speed).